How to Clean Your Room and Keep it Clean (2024)

It’s not the most glamorous activity, but cleaning and decluttering your living space can have a big impact on your mental health and overall well-being.

This weekend, take time off your social media scrolling routine on your phone. It’s time to tackle those projects you’ve been putting off, like organizing your closet or deep-cleaning the kitchen.

You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you’re done, and you’ll have a more peaceful and tidy space to relax in.

Here’s a Step by Step guide on how to clean your room and we also cover how you should make sure it stays clean:

Step 1: Declutter

Before you start cleaning, you should first declutter your room.

Decluttering your room means removing any unnecessary or unwanted items from your living space. It involves going through all of the items in your room and deciding what to keep, donate, or throw away.

The goal of decluttering is to reduce the amount of clutter in your room, making it easier to organize, clean, and maintain.

Clutter can be anything from clothes and books to papers and decorations that are taking up space and making it difficult to find what you need. Take a trash bag and remove everything that you deem unnecessary.

By decluttering your room, you can create a more peaceful and functional living space. It will also give you a better idea of how you want your ideal room to look.

Step 2: Dusting

It might seem like a trivial task, but it still needs planning, strategy, and motivation. The steps below will help you with the planning and strategy 🙂 

  • Gather your dusting tools: You’ll need a microfiber cloth or a feather duster, depending on your preference.

  • Start from the top: Begin dusting from the highest surfaces in the room, such as the top of shelves, ceiling fans, and light fixtures. This will ensure that any dust that falls will be cleaned up as you work your way down.

  • Dust in a circular motion: Use your dusting tool to wipe surfaces in a circular motion. This will help to pick up dust more efficiently and prevent it from spreading around.

  • Pay attention to details: Don’t forget to dust the corners of the room, the baseboards, and any other hard-to-reach areas. These areas are often overlooked, but they can accumulate a lot of dust.

  • Change your dusting cloth frequently: If you’re using a microfiber cloth, be sure to change it frequently, especially if it becomes visibly dirty. This will help you to pick up more dust and prevent it from being spread around.

  • Don’t forget about electronics: Electronics can also collect a lot of dust. Be sure to dust your TV, computer monitor, and other electronics in your room.

Step 3: Organize

Organizing your room can be a great way to create a more functional and comfortable living space. It can also help you feel more relaxed and less stressed.

Firstly, assess your space. Take a look at your room and think about how you want to use the space. Consider your storage needs, the layout of your furniture, and any other factors that may affect how you organize your room. 

Once you know what you want to keep, determine the best storage solutions for your belongings. Consider using storage containers, baskets, shelves, or organizers to help keep things in order.

You can also group similar items can help you find what you need more easily and keep your room organized. For example, you might group all your books on a bookshelf or keep all your electronics in one area. This can also help you create a sense of order in your room.

It’s important to keep surfaces clear in your room. Avoid cluttering surfaces like your desk or nightstand. Instead, only keep essential items on these surfaces, such as a lamp or a clock. This can help you maintain a sense of order in your room.

Step 4: Bedding

Cleaning your bedding regularly is essential for maintaining a clean and comfortable sleeping environment. The process for cleaning your bedding can vary depending on the type of bedding you have

First things first,  check the care label on your bedding to see how it should be washed. Some bedding, like silk or down comforters, may require special care or dry cleaning.

Next, remove all bedding from your bed, including sheets, pillowcases, and any comforters or duvets. Shake out any loose debris, like crumbs or dust, before placing the bedding in your washing machine.

Wash your bedding in a washing machine with a gentle detergent. Use warm or cold water, depending on the care instructions. Avoid using hot water, as this can damage some types of bedding, like silk or down. You may also want to consider adding fabric softener or a scent booster to give your bedding a fresh, clean smell.

Once your bedding is dry, make your bed with fresh sheets and pillowcases. If you have a comforter or duvet, you may want to consider using a duvet cover to protect it from dirt and stains.

Step 5: Disinfect

Disinfecting your room is an important step in maintaining a clean and healthy environment. Especially since COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial to take extra precautions to prevent the spread of disease-causing germs and viruses. 

First step –  choose an appropriate disinfectant product. Look for products that are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are effective against the specific germs you are trying to eliminate. 

Once you are ready with your disinfectant, begin by focusing on high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, remote controls, and countertops. These are areas that are frequently touched by multiple people and are more likely to harbor germs. 

Make sure to cover the entire surface.

It’s also important to disinfect larger surfaces, such as floors and walls.  For these surfaces, you may need to use a different application method, such as a mop or spray bottle, to ensure even coverage.

Remember to wash your hands frequently, particularly after disinfecting, to avoid recontaminating surfaces. 

Step 6: Tackle the closet

Cleaning your closet can be a daunting task, but it can also be a cathartic experience that leaves you feeling more organized and refreshed. Here are some steps to consider when cleaning out your closet:

Firstly, take everything out. This will allow you to see everything you have and help you decide what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of.

Once everything is out of your closet, sort through your items and create three piles: keep, donate/sell, and discard. As you go through each item, consider whether you’ve worn it in the past year if it still fits you properly, and if it brings you joy.

Once you’ve decided what to keep, it’s time to organize your items back into your closet. Consider organizing by category (such as tops, bottoms, dresses, etc.) and color for easy access.

Once your closet is clean and organized, it’s important to maintain it. Consider implementing a system to keep things organized, such as using organizers or making a habit of putting things back where they belong after use.

Step 7: Donate or sell unwanted items

Once you’ve decluttered your room, consider donating any unwanted items to charity or selling them online.

This will not only help you clear out your space but also benefit someone else.

How to Keep your Room Clean all the Time

Cleaning your room and keeping your room clean are two completely different things. The step-by-step guide above will help you clean your room, but you need to take mindful and regular steps to make sure your room remains neat. Here are some steps you can follow.

  • Create a cleaning routine: Establish a regular cleaning routine and stick to it. Develop a habit of putting away items after use and cleaning up spills or messes as soon as they occur.

  • Declutter: Keep only the things that you need and use regularly in your room. Get rid of anything that you no longer need or want. This will help to reduce clutter and make it easier to clean your room.

  • Use storage solutions: Use storage solutions such as shelves, drawers, and containers to help keep your room organized. Assign a place for everything in your room, so that you know exactly where to put items when you’re finished using them.

  • Use cleaning tools: Keep cleaning tools like a vacuum cleaner, dustpan, and broom handy so that you can quickly clean up any messes. Use them as needed throughout the day to keep your room clean.

  • Avoid eating in your room: Eating in your room can lead to crumbs and spills, which can attract insects and make your room dirty. Try to eat in the kitchen or dining area instead.

  • Open windows: Opening windows can help to improve air circulation in your room, which can prevent dust and other particles from settling on surfaces. Additionally, fresh air can improve the overall cleanliness of your room.


Keeping your room clean is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy and organized lifestyle.

A clean and well-organized room not only contributes to physical health but also positively impacts mental well-being. It is crucial to understand the benefits of keeping your room clean and why it is essential to make it a habit.

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