10 Ways to Not Get Distracted by Social Media While Studying (2023)

student browsing smartphone at table with books
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Believe it or not, the monkey mind is always looking for something to do. It can be difficult to focus on your studies when you’re sitting at a desk with your computer open and social media notifications popping up every few minutes and acting as distractions.

Your brain can’t stop thinking about Facebook feeds or Instagram profiles-even if they’ve been temporarily put away. The good news is that there are some techniques you can use to help you focus on your work.

Here are 10 ways to help you stay focused when you need to buckle down and study:

Become aware of the distractions

The reason you are here right now reading this article is because you have realized social media has become a distraction for you.

The first step in getting rid of this distraction is to reduce the time spent on this distraction. This can be a difficult thing to do with social media, as it can become very addictive.

Hence, the first step is to identify and make a list of all the apps and websites that you consider to be a distraction and consciously start reducing the time you spend on these apps and websites.

This will help you completely abstain from it when you need to study, this could be right before exams or whenever else you need to focus for a long period.

Rearrange your Homescreen

Having your social media apps right at the front and center of your homescreen is just asking for trouble.

If the apps are the first thing you see when you open up your phone, you’re likely to be distracted by them. So move them to the back, or even better, create a folder for all your apps and put it somewhere out of sight.

If you have to go searching for them, it takes that much more effort to be distracted. Fill your homescreen with apps that you might need while studying, like a calculator, notes, etc.

If you consciously trying to reduce the distraction caused by social media while studying, this arrangement will give you extra push you need.

Mute Unnecessary notifications

According to Clever tap, a U.S citizen receives 46 push notifications daily on average. No matter what country you reside in if you have a smartphone you probably receive multiple unnecessary notifications on a daily basis.

These notifications may or may not be relevant, but it’s enough to make you check your phone, and then your social media addiction will do the rest of the damage.

Multiple Unnecessary Notification options on Instagram
Instagram Notification

Unnecessary notifications act as triggers for your social media distraction while studying, so it is important to block them at sight.

Keep a track of the notifications you receive and if any of them are unnecessary, block them.You will find the option to do this within your phone settings.

Over a few weeks, you’ll notice that you don’t pick up your phone as often as before and this will increase your productivity.

Unfollow and Unsubscribe

Unfollow or mute any accounts that are particularly distracting. If you find yourself constantly getting sucked into someone’s Instagram stories, it may be time to hit the unfollow button.

The same goes for YouTube channels, Facebook pages, and Twitter accounts.

If you’re trying to focus on studies, you don’t need the added distraction of someone’s constant updates. You can always follow or subscribe again later!

Also, unsubscribe yourself from irrelevant emails chain. This will help you reduce the amount of time spent on your phone.

This just adds more clutter to your inbox and adds to the distraction. So it’s best to avoid it altogether.

Put your phone in another room

This may seem like common sense, but it’s important to actually follow through with it. If you’re sitting at your desk trying to focus on studies, put your phone in another room.

This one is easier said than done, but it’s important to try. If your phone is right in front of you, it will be much harder to resist the urge to check it.

If you need your phone to study for some reason, it’s best to use airplane mode to avoid any notifications. Just flip it face down and pick it up only when needed.

But it is best to maintain some distance. If you need a calculator, try and use an actual calculator instead of your phone.

The idea here is to stop the distraction caused by social media at the root.

Use a content blocker

If you’re really struggling to stay off social media while you should be studying, there are phone apps and browser extensions that can block these distractions for set periods of time.

This can be a great way to make sure you’re not tempted to check your favorite sites when you should be focusing on something else.

Some of our favorites include –

These apps allow you to block certain websites or even the internet altogether for a set period of time. No social media means no distractions!

If you want to reduce distractions on your desktops you can use browser extensions like News Feed Eradicator. It will block all the addictive aspects of social media.

Set a specific time for breaks

Once you’ve started studying, allow yourself to take five-minute breaks every half hour or so.

During these breaks, you can check your phone or scroll through social media. By setting a timer, you’ll be less likely to get lost in your feed and lose track of time.

If you need a longer break, wait until you’ve completed a section or task. For example, if you’re working on a math problem set, allow yourself to take a five- to ten-minute break after every 20 problems. And if you’re reading a chapter for a literature class, plan to take a break specific number of pages.

Study breaks are proven to improve productivity, so it’s a great way to keep social media distractions in check while increasing your productivity.

Get an accountability partner

One of the best ways to make sure you stay on track while studying is to have someone who will hold you accountable.

Find a friend or classmate who is also trying to improve their focus and study habits, and check-in with each other regularly to see how you’re both doing.

This one may seem counterintuitive, but being around other people who are also trying to focus can actually help you stay on track.

When you’re accountable to someone else, you’re more likely to stick to your goals and avoid distraction.

You’re less likely to pull out your phone if everyone around you is busy working. If you know someone else is counting on you to stay focused, you’re more likely to do so.

Set up a workspace that’s conducive to concentration

Make sure your desk is clear of any clutter and that you have everything you need within reach. Having to get up and search for things will only give you more opportunities to get distracted.

If your study space is comfortable and organized, you’ll be less likely to take breaks and wander around.

If you find it difficult to focus with background noise, invest in a good pair of noise-canceling headphones. This way you can create your own mental space.

If there’s something in your room that’s particularly distracting, like a TV or video games, put it away or out of sight. The less tempted you are by things around you, the better.

It’s all about your willpower

At the end of the day, the only person who can truly control whether or not you get distracted by social media is you. If you really want to stay focused, you need to be willing to put your phone away and resist the urge to check it.

Break the habit of picking up your phone every few minutes by keeping it in your bag or another room while you’re studying.

It will be difficult at first, but eventually, it will become second nature.

The bottom line is that if you want to focus, you need to be willing to put forth the effort. It takes practice and discipline, but it’s definitely possible to break the social media habit.


Social media can be a huge distraction, especially when you’re trying to focus on something else. But if you’re aware of the potential dangers, you can be more proactive about avoiding them.

By following the tips above, you can learn to control your social media usage and make sure it doesn’t interfere with your studies. So don’t be afraid to put down your phone and get to work. Your future self will thank you for it.

Follow these 10 tips to help you stay focused and on track.

If you have any other ideas please leave them in the comments section below. We would love to hear them. Thank you for reading, and good luck!

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